William Gheen’s Personal Information

William Gheen’s Personal Information William Gheen of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC)

William Gheen enjoys hearing from old and new friends, please use the contact feature to get in touch.

He is devoted to his family and spends as much time as possible with them around his intensive work schedule.

William enjoys outdoor and indoor activities such as paint ball, archery, tending his vegetable garden, computer & video games, and wild game hunting.

William Gheen enjoys good music including classical, rock, alternative rock, obscure 80’s, folk, techno, and dark wave. He is self-taught and proficient on keyboard/piano, guitar, and bass and occasionally enjoys composing and recording original music.

William Gheen’s Myers-Briggs personality type (MBTI) is ENTJ “The Commander” which is the type shared by Bill Gates, Aristotle, Alexander Hamilton, Garry Kasparov, Carl Sagan, Rush Limbaugh, Karl Rove, and Dick Cheney .

William loves animals and is the owner of an American Walker Hound and a tabby cat.  More information about William Gheen’s personal achievements can be found on our Biography page.


Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Animals: Dogs, Cats, and the Duckbill Platypus
Favorite Movies: Blade Runner, Matrix, Lord of the Rings, Terminator, Logan’s Run, Clockwork Orange
Favorite Books: Lord of the Rings trilogy, Watership Down, The Vampire Lestat, The Road, Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy, Animal Farm, 1984, Enders Game
Favorite Bands: U2, Thomas Dolby, Radio Head, James, Type O Negative, Berlin, Sigur Ros
Favorite TV Shows: Myth Busters, Scare Tactics, Lost, The Munsters, The Young Ones, Stranger Things
Favorite Games: Tempest, Missile Command, Dune 2, Snood, Fallout 1-3, Leisure Suit Larry, Civilization, Sim City, Atari 2600, Age of Empires, Sins of a Solar Empire, Risk, Chess, UNO
Favorite Websites: ALIPAC, Drudge Report, Yahoo, YouTube, Gheen Report, WND, InfoWars, Breitbart
Favorite Foods: Pizza, Sushi, Liver Mush
Favorite Comedians: Mel Brooks, Monty Python, Gene Wilder, Richard Pryor, old school Eddie Murphy.

William Gheen’s biography, pictures, quotes, videos, Wiki, and info about ALIPAC are all available here at www.WilliamGheen.com

William Gheen

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Tel: (919) 787-6009
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FEC ID: C00405878